Design :蕭群艦
Project Year:2018/07~2018/11
Photographs: Weimax Studio
這個案子退縮原有公共區域隔間,將空間放大給用餐區,也是整個家的核心所在,精緻的marset mercer44 吊燈成為視覺焦點。
This case retreats the original public area compartment and enlarges the space to the dining area, which is also the core of the whole family. The exquisite marset mercer44 chandelier becomes the visual focus.
We hope that without too much decorative materials, in addition to the necessary functional cabinets, the space should be as white as possible, echoing the owner’s preference for simple and simple personality.
The color tone is based on gray and white. The walnut solid wood leather cabinet is the main character in the space. It is mainly embedded in 5mm iron cabinet and antique stone, simple but delicate.
Afternoon light shines through the curtains on the wooden floor, the time seems to be quiet, you can enjoy the sunshine in the small corner.
© 2019 大見室所.Design by SNOTKY