回 未了 日式丼飯


Design :蕭群艦、李易桓
Project Year:2018/11- 2019/04
Photographs: Weimax Studio


我們思考一件事『 除了空間和美食之外,來消費的客人,他們能留下什麼記憶點在腦海裡,甚至能覺得來吃飯是物有所值? 』

The client told us:「I hope that through this restaurant can get back what I have lost and share the most original taste to my guests.」and we think about :「In addition to space and food, what memories can stay in their minds?」


店很小,一層大概13坪,共二層樓高40年老宅藏在台中北區的小巷裡,沿途只有安靜尋常的民宅。這樣的超老宅是一道時光切片,從過去穿越現在,未來更試圖用美食延續老宅的情感。 外觀刻意留著歲月斑駁的樣子,原本的淺藍色磁磚洗過就很美。不同的是,原本老屋的鐵窗換成了實木窗,整個空間主要以原木+灰米色為主,透過部分藍色磁磚點綴,讓人自在舒坦,和諧共存在原本的社區裡。 外觀設計一併退縮了原本的圍牆,把空間還給消費者做為候位空間,也成為一處新設打卡點。

The store is very small, about 43 square meters for one floor. Two storeys high and 40-year-old house is hidden in the alleys. There are only quiet houses along the way.Such a old house is a slice of time. since past till now, the client trying to continue the feelings of the old house with food.

The appearance retains the old mottled look,the original light blue tile was beautiful,
The difference is that the original iron window was replaced by wood window, the whole space is mainly composed of solid wood and gray beige.People feel comfortable and the old house is harmoniously preserved in the original alley.



開窗處朝向正南白天日光能恣意引光入室,整體空間揉和些許新舊衝突感,維持了我們一貫的簡約調性,使內外一致。 灰色粉光和三色磨石子地板,透過木窗、藤編、黑鐵及藍色窯變磚,營造更舒適宜人的用餐氛圍,使空間予人清新的感覺。一樓開放式的前檯設有一排座椅,共有8個位置,每一個座椅都是主廚和客人傾聽的故事;二樓則有18個位置,適合和朋友共享。

The window is facing south, and daylight allows light into the house,The space mixes the sense of conflict between old and new,Maintain a simple style, consistent inside and outside.Gray concrete and three-tone terrazzo floors, through wooden windows, rattan, black iron and blue tiles, create a more comfortable and pleasant dining atmosphere, giving the space a fresh feeling.

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