Project Year:2019/04- 2020/10
每個人都不斷追尋內心的香格里拉,因為它重新定義了我們心中對於美好的嚮往。《失落的地平線》- James Hilton
此案為二人使用小住宅空間,我們把既有廚房改到客廳區,順勢成為開放式廚房,解決了排水及排煙問題, 不但滿足使用者對料理的熱愛,也增加了家人之間更多的互動關係。 沒有電視的客廳讓家具的擺放更多元自由,我們希望在基本的空間架構中,使用者有更多豐富空間想像,也 改善原格局視線短觸的原況。
我們希望客廳的場域是很接近使用者原始的習慣,一個人在家的時候就閱讀,二個人在家的時候就好好相 處,一起吃頓飯,現代忙碌生活中,內心最需要的是對美好生活景象的覺醒。
睡眠空間是一處寧謐的基地,帶有一點神秘感及儀式感,材料使用大量天然塗料,沉穩的灰色調,交織出屬 於這個場域自己的溫度與寧靜。我們希望位居熱鬧商圈的環境中,創造一處寧靜、純粹且舒適的居住空間, 貼近我們內心對香格里拉的憧憬。
The two home owners love to cook and read, so we create the open plan kitchen and living room to meet their needs.
We use the color white to set the base tone and mingle it with earth tone and natural materials, such as woods, leather, terrazzo, and weaving, to create warmth as well as multiple but restrained layers for this space.
The hallway leads to the private sector of the house. Behind the royal blue door, there is a tranquil space. Natural coatings and different shades of grey are used to create a quiet and peaceful aura for the sleeping area. This master bedroom is plain and simple, a stark contrast to the dynamic public area.
It’s a house that’s suitable for both dynamic and quiet activities, providing a quality space for the two home owners to spend time with each other and to rest properly. It’s a house that meets the expectations of the owners. It’s their Shangri-La.
© 2019 大見室所.Design by SNOTKY